DNA Analysis
Although DNA testing has become an integral part of a genealogist’s tool kit, the majority of people who decide to take an autosomal DNA test simply want to know “where they came from.” For those who hope that a DNA test might be able to help answer a specific genealogical question, it becomes the more complicated decision as to which of the several targeted DNA tests to take. Should they take an autosomal, mitochondrial, or Y-DNA test to try and determine the identities of their second great-grandparents? Which test or tests can provide answers about the origins of a family’s surname? The answer is, it depends on the question!
Perhaps you’ve already taken an autosomal DNA test and you would like to understand how all the matches you have in common are related to you. I can help you determine which test best applies to your genealogical question and how you can then interpret the results of your DNA test once you receive them.

DNA double helix and sequencing output. Artwork credit: Peter Artymiuk.
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